April 08, 2016

Review: Natura Bisse C+C Vitamin Souffle Mask

£34 for 75ml
Rating: 4/5

I was recommended this mask after having a facial with Natura Bisse at Liberty's, along with the Natura Bisse vitamin C moisturiser for hyper pigmentation. 
I used this mask once a week after throughly exfoliating my skin, the texture of the mask was really nice and creamy and very easy to apply. Once the mask dried it didn't feel tight but still felt soft and nourishing. The mask lightened my pigmentation over time, but it took a while, however after using the mask my skin felt very clean, soft and bright.

I would recommend this to anyone who wants a quick pick me up before a night out or something to put on while relaxing. It instantly brightens the skin and make up application after using the mask is really nice. 

Alternative Products I would recommend:
If you would like me to review anything else please comment below and let me know.


Be younique xxx

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