How To Make Your Own Mint Flavoured Coconut Oil Pulling Chews

January 09, 2017

How to make your own mint flavoured coconut oil pulling chews

Oil Pulling is done by taking a small amount of coconut oil and swishing it in your mouth for 10-20 minutes and then spitting it out. You use the oil in its natural form and it will start to melt as you swish it in your mouth. I would start with 10 minutes and incease as you feel comfortable. Oil pulling improves your oral health in many ways, I will go through some of the benefits below. 

There are many benefits to coconut oil pulling, but I found that buying the ready made spearmint flavour worked out expensive, so I thought why not just make my own small mint flavoured chews. 

The benefits include:

  • Whiter Teeth
  • Make teeth less sensitive
  • Less plaque
  • Less chances of infections
  • Reduces bad breath
What You Need:

Step One:

Take a pan and melt about 3 tablespoons of the coconut oil (depending on how big your mould is). Make sure it completely melted into a liquid. 

Step 2:

Add one drop of the peppermint oil to each shape of the mould, one drop should be enough flavouring, as you don't want the mint to be too over powering.

Step 3:
Once you have put a drop of peppermint oil into each shape, fill the rest of the mould with the melted coconut oil. Put a plate under the silicon mould so that you can carry it to the fridge without spilling it. 

Step 4:
Put the filled silicon mould in the fridge until the coconut oil goes back to its normal colour and hardens. 

Step 5:

Pop each chew out of the mould and store in a jar. Try and store the jar in a dry cool place so that the chews don't melt. 

I hope you found this helpful. Give it a go and let me know in the comments below how you get on. 

Be Younique xxx

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